Health tips
Monday, May 26, 2008
Hypothermia is a condition in which the body temperature drops below normal. The body loses heat faster than the heat produced by muscle contractions and shivering. When helping someone with mild cases of hypothermia, get them out of the cold and wind, remove wet clothes and change them into dry and preferably wool clothing. Give them warm fluids to drink and high energy foods. Do not give them alcoholic beverages. For moderate cases, besides performing what it was mentioned for mild cases, warm him/her with your own body heat by wrapping both of you in a sleeping bag or warm blanket around you. Warm water can cause shock or heart attack. However. as a last resort when help is not available or the above mentioned treatments are not working, you could use a warm water bath of 100° to 105°.
Nosebleeds can be caused by colds and allergies, low humidity, medications such as aspirins, allergies, high altitudes and blowing or picking the nose. Sit up straight and tip your head forward and not backwards, or it may cause blood to run down the throat.Some people succeed by applying pressure to an accupressure spot located between the top lip and the fleshy area just above it. Squeeze with the thumb and forefinger for one minute in this area.Placing an ice pack on the back of the neck seems to help in some cases as well.
Taking a Pulse
The pulse is the rate at which the heart is beating. The pulse can be taken at the wrist, neck or upper arm. To count the pulse, wait for about 5 to 10 minutes after the individual has been sitting or resting quietly. Place the index and middle fingers on the wrist and count the beats for 30 seconds. Then double that number for beats per minute.
Normal Resting Pulse
Infant - 1 year 100 - 160 beats/minute1-6 years
65 - 140 beats/minute7-10 years 6
0 - 110 beats/minute11 - adult
50 - 100 beats/minute
Normal Resting Pulse
Infant - 1 year 100 - 160 beats/minute1-6 years
65 - 140 beats/minute7-10 years 6
0 - 110 beats/minute11 - adult
50 - 100 beats/minute
Cruciferous veggies

The following veggies are highly important in stimulating the detoxification and elimination of cancer-causing chemicals: Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, collard and mustard greens, turnip greens and radishes. And particularly cabbage, is one of the most important nourishing foods that you can eat. It has powerful anticancer properties that help the body protect against the damage of free radicals. In addition, it has polyphenols and indoles that help the body get rid of carcinogens and stimulate protective enzymes that protect us from cancer.
Green Tea and Tooth Decay

Green tea is packed with polyphenols that fight off the bacteria that cause tooth decay. On top of that, the fluoride in tea supplies a beneficial boost to tooth enamel. The Japanese conducted a study by providing a special mouth rinse of tea polyphenols to volunteers after each meal and before bedtime, and found that they have significantly reduced the development of plaque, even though none of the volunteers was brushing or flossing.
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