Monday, May 26, 2008
Hypothermia is a condition in which the body temperature drops below normal. The body loses heat faster than the heat produced by muscle contractions and shivering. When helping someone with mild cases of hypothermia, get them out of the cold and wind, remove wet clothes and change them into dry and preferably wool clothing. Give them warm fluids to drink and high energy foods. Do not give them alcoholic beverages. For moderate cases, besides performing what it was mentioned for mild cases, warm him/her with your own body heat by wrapping both of you in a sleeping bag or warm blanket around you. Warm water can cause shock or heart attack. However. as a last resort when help is not available or the above mentioned treatments are not working, you could use a warm water bath of 100° to 105°.
Nosebleeds can be caused by colds and allergies, low humidity, medications such as aspirins, allergies, high altitudes and blowing or picking the nose. Sit up straight and tip your head forward and not backwards, or it may cause blood to run down the throat.Some people succeed by applying pressure to an accupressure spot located between the top lip and the fleshy area just above it. Squeeze with the thumb and forefinger for one minute in this area.Placing an ice pack on the back of the neck seems to help in some cases as well.
Taking a Pulse
The pulse is the rate at which the heart is beating. The pulse can be taken at the wrist, neck or upper arm. To count the pulse, wait for about 5 to 10 minutes after the individual has been sitting or resting quietly. Place the index and middle fingers on the wrist and count the beats for 30 seconds. Then double that number for beats per minute.
Normal Resting Pulse
Infant - 1 year 100 - 160 beats/minute1-6 years
65 - 140 beats/minute7-10 years 6
0 - 110 beats/minute11 - adult
50 - 100 beats/minute
Normal Resting Pulse
Infant - 1 year 100 - 160 beats/minute1-6 years
65 - 140 beats/minute7-10 years 6
0 - 110 beats/minute11 - adult
50 - 100 beats/minute
Cruciferous veggies

The following veggies are highly important in stimulating the detoxification and elimination of cancer-causing chemicals: Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, collard and mustard greens, turnip greens and radishes. And particularly cabbage, is one of the most important nourishing foods that you can eat. It has powerful anticancer properties that help the body protect against the damage of free radicals. In addition, it has polyphenols and indoles that help the body get rid of carcinogens and stimulate protective enzymes that protect us from cancer.
Green Tea and Tooth Decay

Green tea is packed with polyphenols that fight off the bacteria that cause tooth decay. On top of that, the fluoride in tea supplies a beneficial boost to tooth enamel. The Japanese conducted a study by providing a special mouth rinse of tea polyphenols to volunteers after each meal and before bedtime, and found that they have significantly reduced the development of plaque, even though none of the volunteers was brushing or flossing.

Flaxseeds contain the fiber and the essential fatty acids you need on a daily basis. Ground 5 teaspoons of flaxseeds in a small food processor or coffee grinder with 8 ounces of water. Take one glass in the morning and again another glass in the evening.
Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails are usually caused when an improperly trimmed toenail cuts into the skin or by wearing shoes that are too tight. Cut your toenails straight across and leave them a little longer at the corners to prevent sharp ends from cutting into the skin. Make sure you don't wear shoes that are too tight.
Your Best Time to Visit a Sick Friend
After 9:00 pm is the best time to visit a sick friend. Your number of white blood cells is at its highest level, providing you with your best protection against any germs you may come across.
Bananas - A Wonderful Healthy Choice

Bananas are high in iron. They can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood, helping with cases of anemia.
Bananas are extremely high in potassium and low in salt, making it ideal to beat blood pressure.
Bananas are high in fiber. They can help restore normal bowel movement, working as a natural laxative.
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body. If you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana as a natural heartburn remedy.
Because of its soft texture bananas are used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders. It neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach, helping with those who are suffering from ulcers.
Bananas are high in B vitamins that can help to calm the nervous system.
Eating bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up, avoiding morning sickness.
Bananas are extremely high in potassium and low in salt, making it ideal to beat blood pressure.
Bananas are high in fiber. They can help restore normal bowel movement, working as a natural laxative.
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body. If you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana as a natural heartburn remedy.
Because of its soft texture bananas are used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders. It neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach, helping with those who are suffering from ulcers.
Bananas are high in B vitamins that can help to calm the nervous system.
Eating bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up, avoiding morning sickness.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Eating yogurt for good health

Yogurt, which is the most popular form of fermented milk, is a good source of calcium, and a good choice if you can't drink milk because you have trouble digesting lactose. Yogurt can help prevent osteoporosis that afflicts some middle-aged and elderly women.
Yogurt is also a good source of protein, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and folic acid.
Some studies found that yogurt has eliminated some forms of digestive tract infections. It is also effective to ease traveler's diarrhea. Eat yogurt as a natural way to boost your overall immunity levels and fight some digestive problems.
Yogurt is also a good source of protein, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and folic acid.
Some studies found that yogurt has eliminated some forms of digestive tract infections. It is also effective to ease traveler's diarrhea. Eat yogurt as a natural way to boost your overall immunity levels and fight some digestive problems.
Determine Your Heart Rate
To get the most out of your aerobic performance from walking, it will be helpful if you know what your target heart rate is and mantain it for at least 20 minutes.
1. Start with the number 220: 2202. Substract your age (45, for example): -453. The result is your maximum heart rate: 175
Low end of the target range; 60 percent
4. Multiply your max heart rate by 0.6: 175 x 0.6= 105
High end of target rante; 80 percent
5. Multiply your max heart rate by 0.8: 175 x 0.8= 140
Always work at the lower end of your range if you are a beginner. The high end range is only recommended to be achieved for those physically fit.
1. Start with the number 220: 2202. Substract your age (45, for example): -453. The result is your maximum heart rate: 175
Low end of the target range; 60 percent
4. Multiply your max heart rate by 0.6: 175 x 0.6= 105
High end of target rante; 80 percent
5. Multiply your max heart rate by 0.8: 175 x 0.8= 140
Always work at the lower end of your range if you are a beginner. The high end range is only recommended to be achieved for those physically fit.
Toothache Relief With an Ice Cube

Massage the web between your thumb and index finger on the back of your hand with an ice cube, it seems to be effective on either hand regardless if the pain is on the left or right side. Apparently, this will short-circuit the pain, similar to the way it is done with acupuncture.
Prevent Cancer with Beta Carotene
If we eat more fresh fruits and vegetables rich in beta carotene we would have less lung, stomach, colon cervical and prostate cancer. It will also help increase our resistance to infection, vision problems, lower our cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Beta carotene is a type of pigment found in plants. Our skin stores beta carotene in our body metabolizes it into vitamin A as needed.
Beta carotene sources: carrots, spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, mustard greens, red peppers and cataloupe.
Beta carotene is a type of pigment found in plants. Our skin stores beta carotene in our body metabolizes it into vitamin A as needed.
Beta carotene sources: carrots, spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, mustard greens, red peppers and cataloupe.
Are We Drinking Enough Fluids a Day? - Our body needs it for its maximum efficiency

Our body depends on water for important vital tasks such as transporting nutrients and other substances around the body and regulating the temperature.
It is recommended that we drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluids a day spread over the day to keep our body's water levels steady. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and colas, as well as alcoholic beverages should be avoided because they increase urination, leading to water loss from our body, resulting in dehydration. When sweating a lot or taking medications, it may become necessary to take ten to twenty glasses a day.
Our best bet is to observe our urine color and frequency. Pale yellow is a good sign. Frequent urination is a good sign too, though sometimes it could be caused by medication or a medical condition.
Blisters - Choosing the Right Shoes
Heat, friction and moisture are the cause for blisters on your feet. A loose shoe creates friction when the foot moves around in it. When shopping for shoes, wear or bring with you the type of sock that you are actually going to wear with your new shoes. The ideal time to shop for your shoes is in the afternoon when your feet are most swollen, this will ensure that your shoes are not too tight for your afternoon feet.
When you are trying your new shoes, stand up and make sure that there is a thumb-width between your big toe and the end of your shoe.
If you excercise, make sure that you are wearing the right socks to prevent blisters. A mixture of synthetic material and wool is ideal. The synthetic material will keep your feet dry by drawing the moisture out, and the wool will protect your feet from the shoe. You could also wear two pairs of socks. A thin synthetic material to wick moisture away from the feet and the outer pair should be thick to absorb friction.
It is recommended that we drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluids a day spread over the day to keep our body's water levels steady. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and colas, as well as alcoholic beverages should be avoided because they increase urination, leading to water loss from our body, resulting in dehydration. When sweating a lot or taking medications, it may become necessary to take ten to twenty glasses a day.
Our best bet is to observe our urine color and frequency. Pale yellow is a good sign. Frequent urination is a good sign too, though sometimes it could be caused by medication or a medical condition.
Blisters - Choosing the Right Shoes
Heat, friction and moisture are the cause for blisters on your feet. A loose shoe creates friction when the foot moves around in it. When shopping for shoes, wear or bring with you the type of sock that you are actually going to wear with your new shoes. The ideal time to shop for your shoes is in the afternoon when your feet are most swollen, this will ensure that your shoes are not too tight for your afternoon feet.
When you are trying your new shoes, stand up and make sure that there is a thumb-width between your big toe and the end of your shoe.
If you excercise, make sure that you are wearing the right socks to prevent blisters. A mixture of synthetic material and wool is ideal. The synthetic material will keep your feet dry by drawing the moisture out, and the wool will protect your feet from the shoe. You could also wear two pairs of socks. A thin synthetic material to wick moisture away from the feet and the outer pair should be thick to absorb friction.
Lower Your Blood Pressure
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Replace salt with different seasonings. Reduce your fat intake Increase your calcium Eat less meat and dairy products Eat garlic Increase your intake of potassium. Bananas are an excellent source. Increase your intake of fiber and magnesium. Excercise regularly Quit smoking If you are overweight, try to lose some weight. A small weight loss can make a big difference.
Cherries for Arthritis Pain

Drink plenty of cherry juice, at least one glass a day for four days in a row. Discontinue for the next four days and start drinking again for four more days. Keep repeating this cycle. If available, use organic cherries without added sugar. You could either use fresh, frozen or canned cherries.
Some people have had good results from eating regular amounts of cherries and drinking one glass of cherry juice a day.
Experiment to see how this remedy can work for you.
Some people have had good results from eating regular amounts of cherries and drinking one glass of cherry juice a day.
Experiment to see how this remedy can work for you.
Can't sleep? Got a snoring partner?

Ask your partner not to sleep on his or her back. Have your partner sleep on his/her side or stomach. You could try putting a pillow under his/her back to make it more difficult for him or her to roll over during his/her sleep. A humidifier may be helpful as it could end the snoring caused by dry air.
Got Hiccups?
Drink a tablespoon of pickle juice or if you have a lemon, try sucking on a lemon wedge. Their strong flavor stimulates the taste receptors and shock your diaphragm's nerves out of the spams.
Are We Aware of the Pesticides in our Foods?.
Highest concentration of pesticides are found in peanuts and raisins. Choose organically grown peanut butter.
Fruits: The thicker the peel, the less concentration of pesticides. However, fruits such as cantaloupes have a very porous skin, which can absorb pesticides.
Good choices: Bananas, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, watermelon and figs.
If you eat a lot of the following fruits, organically grown varieties may be a better choice:
Apples, pears, grapes, strawberries, peaches, kiwi, prunes, cherries, blackberries and blueberries.
Vegetables: When using not organically grown vegetables, wash them well with water and soap.
Vegetables with the highest levels of pesticides: lettuce, spinach and potatoes.
Remove the outer two or three layers of lettuce and spinach. When eating not organically grown potatoes, don't eat the skin.
Fruits: The thicker the peel, the less concentration of pesticides. However, fruits such as cantaloupes have a very porous skin, which can absorb pesticides.
Good choices: Bananas, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, watermelon and figs.
If you eat a lot of the following fruits, organically grown varieties may be a better choice:
Apples, pears, grapes, strawberries, peaches, kiwi, prunes, cherries, blackberries and blueberries.
Vegetables: When using not organically grown vegetables, wash them well with water and soap.
Vegetables with the highest levels of pesticides: lettuce, spinach and potatoes.
Remove the outer two or three layers of lettuce and spinach. When eating not organically grown potatoes, don't eat the skin.
Do you need to lose weight? Find out what the Right Weight for you is. Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI).
Where:"X"= your weight in lbs"Y"= height in inches
"X" x 705= "Z" - Multiply your weight by 705"Z" / "Y"= "A" - Divide the previous result by your height"A" / "Y"= BMI - Divide the previous result by your height again
A BMI of 18.5 to 24.5 may indicate the optimal weight. The wide range is due to the variety of body composition in bone and muscle among healthy people. Women in general have less muscle and bone than man do, so the optimal BMI for women will usually fall toward the bottom of the range.
Underweight: less than 18.5
Ideal: from 18.5 to 24.5
Overweight: from 24.5 to 30
Obese: from 30 or higher
"X" x 705= "Z" - Multiply your weight by 705"Z" / "Y"= "A" - Divide the previous result by your height"A" / "Y"= BMI - Divide the previous result by your height again
A BMI of 18.5 to 24.5 may indicate the optimal weight. The wide range is due to the variety of body composition in bone and muscle among healthy people. Women in general have less muscle and bone than man do, so the optimal BMI for women will usually fall toward the bottom of the range.
Underweight: less than 18.5
Ideal: from 18.5 to 24.5
Overweight: from 24.5 to 30
Obese: from 30 or higher
Dandruff - Some Natural Alternatives...

Although dandruff poses no health danger, they can be a source of embarrassment. Many people believe that dandruff is associated with lack of hygiene, but actually dandruff is caused by scalp glands that do not function correctly, causing drying and then scaling of the skin. Shampooing infrequently may help aggravate the case of dandruff but it will not be the cause.
Itchiness and burning may come with it in serious cases, and you should consult your doctor before trying any treatment at home. Here are a few alternatives:
In a pan, mix one cup of apple cider vinegar and one cup of water and add a few mint leaves. Bring it to boil for about 5 minutes and allow it to rest at room temperature for approx. 12 hours. Strain the mixture and massage your scalp twice a day for a week. After massaging, just let your hair dry naturally, don't need to rinse it.
Tea tree oil is also believed to be quite effective for dandruff, preventing flaking and infection. Try massaging your scalp by applying just tea trea oil.
Squeeze the juice out of one large lemon. Apply half of the juice onto your hair, then wash your hair with your regular shampoo and rinse. Mix the other half of the lemon juice with two cups of water. For best results, repeat this process regularly.
Here is a solution with bay laurel leaves. Add four teaspoons of crushed bay laurel leaves to one quart of boiling water. Let it rest for about 30 minutes, strain and cool for one hour in refrigerator. Wash your hair with your normal shampoo and then massage some of the solution into your scalp. Repeat treatment once more and let it stay on your scalp for about one hour before rinsing. For best results, repeat this process regularly.
In a pan mix 2 heaping tablespoons of dried thyme, rosemary and sage in one cup of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain and let it cool. Shampoo your hair with your normal shampoo, rinse and massage the solution into your scalp. Do not rinse.
Itchiness and burning may come with it in serious cases, and you should consult your doctor before trying any treatment at home. Here are a few alternatives:
In a pan, mix one cup of apple cider vinegar and one cup of water and add a few mint leaves. Bring it to boil for about 5 minutes and allow it to rest at room temperature for approx. 12 hours. Strain the mixture and massage your scalp twice a day for a week. After massaging, just let your hair dry naturally, don't need to rinse it.
Tea tree oil is also believed to be quite effective for dandruff, preventing flaking and infection. Try massaging your scalp by applying just tea trea oil.
Squeeze the juice out of one large lemon. Apply half of the juice onto your hair, then wash your hair with your regular shampoo and rinse. Mix the other half of the lemon juice with two cups of water. For best results, repeat this process regularly.
Here is a solution with bay laurel leaves. Add four teaspoons of crushed bay laurel leaves to one quart of boiling water. Let it rest for about 30 minutes, strain and cool for one hour in refrigerator. Wash your hair with your normal shampoo and then massage some of the solution into your scalp. Repeat treatment once more and let it stay on your scalp for about one hour before rinsing. For best results, repeat this process regularly.
In a pan mix 2 heaping tablespoons of dried thyme, rosemary and sage in one cup of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain and let it cool. Shampoo your hair with your normal shampoo, rinse and massage the solution into your scalp. Do not rinse.
Apply the brakes on ageing.
Ageing is a natural process and therefore inevitable. But if you have a heart attack at 30 then you may have to change your eating pattern. Ageing cannot be avoided, but the rate at which one grows older can certainly be controlled and regularised. Damage to the cells is caused by free radicals, which are produced by the body as a byproduct of metabolism. Additionally, smoking, environmental pollutants, radiation, the food we eat, the water we drink and pesticides produce free radicals. We are bombarded throughout with life erasing free radicals.The body's natural defense against these free radicals are antioxidants. In the usual course antioxidants are able to neutralise up to 99 per cent of the damage caused by free radicals.But the one per cent that remains, accumulates over the years and precipitates ageing and ill-health. Therefore we should try to minimise the free radical attacks from the outside and within, so that our body is better equipped to handle the handful of free radical activity that takes place within the body, as a result of metabolic activity.
Health and safety tips for teenagers.
Bike helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent. Helmets should fit snugly and sit flat on the head, not titled at an angle. Make sure the chinstrap fits securely and that the buckle stays fastened.To prevent fungal infections, use a foot powder daily and let the feet breathe by changing out of wet socks or wearing sandals.If your son is an athlete, make sure he doesn't ignore muscle cramps, which are an early sign of heat exhaustion. Have him rest in a cool place, drink plenty of water and stretch gently. To prevent heat exhaustion, and dehydration, he should start by drinking eight glasses of water each day. Add one to three cups per hour of exercise, depending on the intensity.Remind him to drink water throughout his work out - if he feels thirsty,he's already reached the initial stage of dehydration.Summer can make acne worse, and some acne medications are also less effective in the sun.
4 steps toward a good night's sleep.

Slow release This simple technique, known as progressive relaxation, helps relax your muscles, one body part at a time.
As you're lying in bed, clench your right fist as tightly as you can. Hold for about 10 seconds, then release the tension immediately and completely, as though you were turning off a switch. All the tension will drain out of your body. Feel the looseness in your right hand and notice how relaxed it feels. Now do the same thing with your left hand; then clench both fists simultaneously and slowly relax them.
Next, bend your elbows and tense your arms. Hold a moment. Then relax your muscles and let your arms sink into the mattress. Continue by tensing and relaxing your head and brows. Then squeeze your eyes and clench your jaw. Finally, tense and then relax your stomach, lower back, buttocks, thighs, calves and feet. By the time you're finished, your whole body should feel limp, relaxed and ready for sleep.
Take a bite of the forbidden fruit Chocolate is never more seductive than when you're on a diet, and no lover is more appealing than one who's unavailable. Sleep, too, becomes terribly tempting when you can't have it.
So if you have trouble falling asleep, imagine a time when you had to stay awake but didn't want to – for example, when studying for an exam. Picture yourself struggling to stay awake. Imagine the weariness overtaking your whole body as you struggle to keep your eyes open. Finally, you will just give in to the urge to fall asleep. Practice this imagery as you lie in bed at night.
Take steps to end insomnia Instead of tiptoeing around the kitchen looking for a midnight snack, try taking a hot bath. If you'd like nothing better than to drift off to sleep surrounded by the aroma of fresh flowers, try adding some pure essential oils to a hot bath before retiring for the night.
Do some exercise Exercise can be a big help in getting a good night's sleep. But exercising late in the day can put your body into overdrive, making it a lot harder to drop off. How late is too late for an exercise? Well, that depends on your body, but experts recommend that ideally a workout should be finished before 7 p.m.
As you're lying in bed, clench your right fist as tightly as you can. Hold for about 10 seconds, then release the tension immediately and completely, as though you were turning off a switch. All the tension will drain out of your body. Feel the looseness in your right hand and notice how relaxed it feels. Now do the same thing with your left hand; then clench both fists simultaneously and slowly relax them.
Next, bend your elbows and tense your arms. Hold a moment. Then relax your muscles and let your arms sink into the mattress. Continue by tensing and relaxing your head and brows. Then squeeze your eyes and clench your jaw. Finally, tense and then relax your stomach, lower back, buttocks, thighs, calves and feet. By the time you're finished, your whole body should feel limp, relaxed and ready for sleep.
Take a bite of the forbidden fruit Chocolate is never more seductive than when you're on a diet, and no lover is more appealing than one who's unavailable. Sleep, too, becomes terribly tempting when you can't have it.
So if you have trouble falling asleep, imagine a time when you had to stay awake but didn't want to – for example, when studying for an exam. Picture yourself struggling to stay awake. Imagine the weariness overtaking your whole body as you struggle to keep your eyes open. Finally, you will just give in to the urge to fall asleep. Practice this imagery as you lie in bed at night.
Take steps to end insomnia Instead of tiptoeing around the kitchen looking for a midnight snack, try taking a hot bath. If you'd like nothing better than to drift off to sleep surrounded by the aroma of fresh flowers, try adding some pure essential oils to a hot bath before retiring for the night.
Do some exercise Exercise can be a big help in getting a good night's sleep. But exercising late in the day can put your body into overdrive, making it a lot harder to drop off. How late is too late for an exercise? Well, that depends on your body, but experts recommend that ideally a workout should be finished before 7 p.m.
care for your feet?

Examine your feet daily for injury blisters, cracks, scratches. Pay particular attention to the areas between the toes.Avoid extreme temperature, whether hot or cold. Protect your feet from hot objects (hot pavement in summer, silencer of motorbikes).Wear properly fitting cotton socks.Check shoes and socks for any foreign objects daily. Check your feet at the end of the day.Inform your doctor about any change in skin colour, pain or any abnormal sensation such as tingling, burning and pricking sensation.Don'ts
Avoid walking barefoot even inside the house.Do not wear ill-fitting shoes or thongs.Do not wear wet footwear; it can be a source of infection like athlete's foot.Do not remove corns and calluses by yourself.Do not apply plasters or corn removers or any type of adhesive tape.Do not use hot water bottle or heating pads on your feet.Avoid smoking. Smoking reduces blood circulation to the legs leading to loss of limb.Never use scissors, blade, nail cutter or knife to cut the nails. Using a nail filer is safe.
Examine your feet daily for injury blisters, cracks, scratches. Pay particular attention to the areas between the toes.Avoid extreme temperature, whether hot or cold. Protect your feet from hot objects (hot pavement in summer, silencer of motorbikes).Wear properly fitting cotton socks.Check shoes and socks for any foreign objects daily. Check your feet at the end of the day.Inform your doctor about any change in skin colour, pain or any abnormal sensation such as tingling, burning and pricking sensation.Don'ts
Avoid walking barefoot even inside the house.Do not wear ill-fitting shoes or thongs.Do not wear wet footwear; it can be a source of infection like athlete's foot.Do not remove corns and calluses by yourself.Do not apply plasters or corn removers or any type of adhesive tape.Do not use hot water bottle or heating pads on your feet.Avoid smoking. Smoking reduces blood circulation to the legs leading to loss of limb.Never use scissors, blade, nail cutter or knife to cut the nails. Using a nail filer is safe.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Ginger - Health Benefits

Zingiber Officinale or Ginger is known for its pungent taste and medicinal properties. The plants botanical name is thought to be derived from its sanskrit name 'singabera'. Basically Ginger belongs to the Turmeric family. The plant's under ground stem is used for medicine and flavouring. Ginger is a perennial plant. Ginger is said to have originated in china. The Chinese have relied on ginger as a medicine and flavouring agent for more than 2000 years. Although a native of southeast Asia the top commercial producers are India, Jamaica, Indonesia, Australia. Ginger adds a special flavour to the food. Its available all around the year. Ginger is also available in several other forms including crystallized, candied and pickled ginger. Fresh ginger can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks if it is left unpeeled. Stored unpeeled in the freezer, it will keep for up to six months. Dried ginger powder should be kept in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark and dry place. Ginger is also used for flavoring cookies and cakes. Ginger can be freshly grated and used in cooking. Ginger contains approximately 1-4 % of volatile oils. These oils are responsible for its medicinal values. The health benefits of ginger come from the gingerols and shogaols, that give ginger its spicy and pungent taste. Ginger does not interact with any other nutrients or drugs in the body and hence is very safe. Ginger is very effective in curing gastrointestinal distress. Ginger's anti-vomiting action has been shown to be very useful in reducing the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. The 'Gingerols' present in ginger reduces the pains in people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Ginger's therapeutic properties stimulate circulation of the blood, cleansing the bowels and kidneys. Ginger promotes sweating which is helpful during Influenza. The sweat contains potent germ-fighting agents. While sweating the Dermicidin that is manufactured in the sweat glands are transported to the skin surface which helps fight bacteria like staphylococcus. Ginger is the best medicine for relieving motion sickness, nausea, dizziness, controlling pain etc.,
Cumin - Curative Properties

Cumin is a most popular spice all over the world. Cumin is one of the most typical spices for India, especially the Southern part. Cumin is an ancient spice and has mentions in Bible too. It is native to upper Egypt. It grows well in hot climates. It is mainly used for seasoning dishes. The Romans and the Greeks used it medicinally and cosmetically. Cumin botanically known as 'Cumin cyminum'. It is an annual plant. Cumin has a nutty, peppery flavor.Cumin is an important ingredient in the spice powders made in south India. The North Indian preparations prefer Black Cumin to the normal variety. Cumin is often powdered and used in many meat and salad preparations. The aroma of the ground cumin is stronger than whole ones. The Cumin flavor is accentuated by toasting. Cumin is a good source of iron, required in the body to make hemoglobin in the blood. The cumin seeds promote a healthy digestive system has been known since ancient times. Cumin Tea which is made by adding few grains of cumin to boiling water is supposed to cure stomach disorders. The seeds are still believed to increase heat in the body, making metabolism more efficient. Cumin is said to enhance the kidney and liver functioning. Cumin is used as a general tonic to boost immunity and prevent cancer. It is used to treat skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and dryness. Black cumin seed oil is taken internally to treat arthritis and asthma. Pregnant and lactating women should not use black cumin seed. cumin is said to relieve nausea and diarrhea.
Cloves for Flavour and Health

Cloves are known for their exceptional aroma. It is an ancient spice which holds an important portfolio in every kitchen. Clove trees are a more common site in Indonesia. Cloves are mainly grown in the Islands of Pemba today. Cloves are also grown widely in the Madagascar.
Cloves are the flower buds of the clove tree. They are pink in color when fresh and turn into a dark brown color when dried. Cloves are sweetly pungent and aromatic. Cloves retain their flavour when whole. The flavour tends to deteriorate quickly when powdered. The cloves are quite hard in nature and cannot be pounded easily. Cloves should be stored in dry air tight containers.
When powdered and added only a small quantity should be added as it has the tendency to overpower a dish. They are usually added to the food for flavour. They are used in number of spice mixtures like curry powders etc.,
Chinese have been using cloves to treat various conditions like indigestion, ringworm, athlete's foot and other fungal infections. Ayurveda uses cloves to treat digestive and respiratory disorders. German herbalists regarded clove as a part of anti-gout mixture. The Americans used clove to flavour the bitter medicines to make them palatable. Clove oil is used to treat tooth ache. Popular mouthwash products contain clove oil as an important component. Clove oil also provides relief from nausea.
Cloves are the flower buds of the clove tree. They are pink in color when fresh and turn into a dark brown color when dried. Cloves are sweetly pungent and aromatic. Cloves retain their flavour when whole. The flavour tends to deteriorate quickly when powdered. The cloves are quite hard in nature and cannot be pounded easily. Cloves should be stored in dry air tight containers.
When powdered and added only a small quantity should be added as it has the tendency to overpower a dish. They are usually added to the food for flavour. They are used in number of spice mixtures like curry powders etc.,
Chinese have been using cloves to treat various conditions like indigestion, ringworm, athlete's foot and other fungal infections. Ayurveda uses cloves to treat digestive and respiratory disorders. German herbalists regarded clove as a part of anti-gout mixture. The Americans used clove to flavour the bitter medicines to make them palatable. Clove oil is used to treat tooth ache. Popular mouthwash products contain clove oil as an important component. Clove oil also provides relief from nausea.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Is Tea Harmful?

Nobody knows exactly, where or when, the first cup of tea was brewed. According to folklore, Emperor "Shen Nung" who reigned over China in 2732 BC discovered the stimulating effect of tea accidentally when wild tea leaves fell into his pot of boiling drinking water.
Chinese have probably been drinking tea in some form or the other since the fourth century AD and considering that wild tea grew in many parts of Assam, it is not unknowingly that tea drinking in India too is as old as in China. The raw material for tea manufacture normally consists of two young leaves and an unopened leaf bud-the famous "two leaves and a bud" formula, but, plucking of longer shoots containing 3 or even 4 leaves is not uncommon. The freshly harvested tea shoots can be processed into the various kinds of tea, namely,black tea, green tea, oolong tea and instant tea. In the manufacture of black tea(the usual tea that we drink),the material undergoes "fermentation" while in the production of green tea, delicate and subtle in flavour,fermentation is purposely omitted.Oolong tea leaves get an intermediate treatment,considered to be "semi-fermented".Instant tea,like instant coffee,is a dehydrated product containing only the soluble constituents of tea.
There is hardly any drink that is not a food too, in terms of calories it provides-tea is no exception. A cup of tea, containing 2 tbsp of milk and a tsp of sugar, yields about 40 calories. Milk contains casein, which makes the tannin in the tea insoluble, thus removing some of its astringency(acidic effect).Apart from the milk and sugar generally added, the tea infusion contains marginal quantities of vitamins and minerals, but no significant quantities of extractable proteins, carbohydrates or fats.
Tea is fairly rich in most of the B group vitamins. Apart from these, it is also a good source of vitamin E and K and Beta-carotene (changes into vitamin A in our body).Tea contains traces of minerals like Copper, Flouride and Manganese too. Fluoride helps in avoiding cavities in the teeth.
The accumulating scientific data on tea and its constituents - the vitamins, caffeine and tannin- and on its antibacterial activity provides a new picture of this popular beverage. Over the past few decades, the list of physiological disorders for which tea is contra-indicated has been steadily decreasing. On the other hand, caffeine is sometimes prescribed therapeutically for the treatment of hypertensive headaches and tea is a legitimate means of supplying this medication. Tannin destroys bacteria and virus, thereby inhibiting the growth of dental plaque. But at the same time, tannin inhibits the absorption of iron, calcium and zinc from the food, when tea is consumed along with food.
There is hardly any drink that is not a food too, in terms of calories it provides-tea is no exception. A cup of tea, containing 2 tbsp of milk and a tsp of sugar, yields about 40 calories. Milk contains casein, which makes the tannin in the tea insoluble, thus removing some of its astringency(acidic effect).Apart from the milk and sugar generally added, the tea infusion contains marginal quantities of vitamins and minerals, but no significant quantities of extractable proteins, carbohydrates or fats.
Tea is fairly rich in most of the B group vitamins. Apart from these, it is also a good source of vitamin E and K and Beta-carotene (changes into vitamin A in our body).Tea contains traces of minerals like Copper, Flouride and Manganese too. Fluoride helps in avoiding cavities in the teeth.
The accumulating scientific data on tea and its constituents - the vitamins, caffeine and tannin- and on its antibacterial activity provides a new picture of this popular beverage. Over the past few decades, the list of physiological disorders for which tea is contra-indicated has been steadily decreasing. On the other hand, caffeine is sometimes prescribed therapeutically for the treatment of hypertensive headaches and tea is a legitimate means of supplying this medication. Tannin destroys bacteria and virus, thereby inhibiting the growth of dental plaque. But at the same time, tannin inhibits the absorption of iron, calcium and zinc from the food, when tea is consumed along with food.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
How to build up your lats and traps
The two biggest muscles that when worked on would give you the V-shaped look that women find so attractiveThat are the two biggest muscles that give you broad,strong back.leonardo Da Vinci's David,the well built sculpture of a man with the curly hair,looks good even today.He has the dimensions most women find attractive:probably taller than average,but not basketball player tall,well proportioned and toned.
GETTING THE V-SHAPED LOOK:-If you want the V-shaped look,you need a broad strong back.To get that you need to target two of the biggest muscles in your body.when it comes to surface area,few muscles have a larger surface area than lattismus dorsi-called the lats-and the trapezius,called the traps.They're big,powerefull sheets of muscle.Isolating them can be tricky,because they work in conjunction with other muscles,like your biceps.But boy when you work them properly the results are outstanding.the latissmus dorsi is a thick,wide set of muscles that runs in a fan shape from the top of your humerous(the bone in your upper arm) to your lower spine and pelvis.You use it when you move your arm.The trapezius is triangular and starts at the base of your spine.It's attached to the back of your shoulder-blade(scapula)and your clavicle(collar bone).It helps you turn your headand also helps with things like shurgging and something like scapular adduction,which happens when you pull your shoulder-blades together.It's all an intricate,wonderfully balanced system that allows freedom of movement,speed,endurance,balance and tremendous strength.Consider that hurling a spear,swimming for hours and throwing a dart accurately,all happen with the same muscles.Now,how do you develop these muscles so that they are attractive as also functional?some exercise:
PULL-UPS:-If all you do this one exercise,you'll have given your lats something to think about.Grab a chin-up bar with your hands just more than shoulder-width apart and your palms facing away from you.Hang loosely,then pull yourself up untill your chest nearly touches the bar.Remember that the slower you raise and lower yourself,the more of a workout your muscles get.Some fitness instructions recommend that if you can do more than five pull-ups you should wear a dipping belt with a weight hung from it.If you're starting out or are reasonably fit,concentrate on getting your moves right first.
BENT-NARROW:-Put two dumbells on the floor in front of you.Stand with your feet apart and bend over untill your spine is nearly parallel with the floor.keep your back straight by sticking your butt out and bending your knees slightly.Now grab the dumbels and lift them,keeping your elbows close to your sides.Lift the weights untill your elbows are completely bent,then lower them.
ONE-ARMED ROW:-Stand parallel to an exercise bench and put your right knee and right hand on it,so you're halfkneeling on it.Reach down with your left hand and grab a dumbell from the floor.Keep your elbow close to your side and lift it slowly.As you lower the dumbell again,moving the weight through 180 degrees.This put a load on more muscle fibres than a straight upand-down.Do three sets of 10 or to failure.
UPPER-BACK MOVE:-Now,finally,you're ready for the ultimate upper-back move.Take a swig of water from your squeezy bottle,dry your hands and settle down at the lat pulldown apparatus.sit with your feet flat on the floor,legs angled slightly outwards to keep you balanced.Grip the bar with your thumbs over it and your hands a bit further than shoulder-width apart.keep your back straight and pull the bar down your chest.Don't pull it behind your head.Relax your neck and wrists or you'll stress them and not the muscles you're targetting.cocking your elbows slightly backwards help the latissmus dorsi and the trapezium get a workout.Keep the move smooth and slow.Do three sets of 10 or to failure.
GETTING THE V-SHAPED LOOK:-If you want the V-shaped look,you need a broad strong back.To get that you need to target two of the biggest muscles in your body.when it comes to surface area,few muscles have a larger surface area than lattismus dorsi-called the lats-and the trapezius,called the traps.They're big,powerefull sheets of muscle.Isolating them can be tricky,because they work in conjunction with other muscles,like your biceps.But boy when you work them properly the results are outstanding.the latissmus dorsi is a thick,wide set of muscles that runs in a fan shape from the top of your humerous(the bone in your upper arm) to your lower spine and pelvis.You use it when you move your arm.The trapezius is triangular and starts at the base of your spine.It's attached to the back of your shoulder-blade(scapula)and your clavicle(collar bone).It helps you turn your headand also helps with things like shurgging and something like scapular adduction,which happens when you pull your shoulder-blades together.It's all an intricate,wonderfully balanced system that allows freedom of movement,speed,endurance,balance and tremendous strength.Consider that hurling a spear,swimming for hours and throwing a dart accurately,all happen with the same muscles.Now,how do you develop these muscles so that they are attractive as also functional?some exercise:
PULL-UPS:-If all you do this one exercise,you'll have given your lats something to think about.Grab a chin-up bar with your hands just more than shoulder-width apart and your palms facing away from you.Hang loosely,then pull yourself up untill your chest nearly touches the bar.Remember that the slower you raise and lower yourself,the more of a workout your muscles get.Some fitness instructions recommend that if you can do more than five pull-ups you should wear a dipping belt with a weight hung from it.If you're starting out or are reasonably fit,concentrate on getting your moves right first.
BENT-NARROW:-Put two dumbells on the floor in front of you.Stand with your feet apart and bend over untill your spine is nearly parallel with the floor.keep your back straight by sticking your butt out and bending your knees slightly.Now grab the dumbels and lift them,keeping your elbows close to your sides.Lift the weights untill your elbows are completely bent,then lower them.
ONE-ARMED ROW:-Stand parallel to an exercise bench and put your right knee and right hand on it,so you're halfkneeling on it.Reach down with your left hand and grab a dumbell from the floor.Keep your elbow close to your side and lift it slowly.As you lower the dumbell again,moving the weight through 180 degrees.This put a load on more muscle fibres than a straight upand-down.Do three sets of 10 or to failure.
UPPER-BACK MOVE:-Now,finally,you're ready for the ultimate upper-back move.Take a swig of water from your squeezy bottle,dry your hands and settle down at the lat pulldown apparatus.sit with your feet flat on the floor,legs angled slightly outwards to keep you balanced.Grip the bar with your thumbs over it and your hands a bit further than shoulder-width apart.keep your back straight and pull the bar down your chest.Don't pull it behind your head.Relax your neck and wrists or you'll stress them and not the muscles you're targetting.cocking your elbows slightly backwards help the latissmus dorsi and the trapezium get a workout.Keep the move smooth and slow.Do three sets of 10 or to failure.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
All About Sweating

How to get a Good Night Sleep

Are you getting enough sleep? If not, you are not alone. A recent study has found that one in every two Indians (46 per cent) sleeps less than six hours. A busy work schedule, a hectic social life, household chores and children’s worries leave little time for sleep. Modern life builds up so much stress and anxiety that when we do get to bed, most of us find it difficult to sleep well.
Adults need at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night, to perform optimally. Children need even more sleep. Less sleep causes morning headaches and daytime fatigue, leading to poor concentration and performance.
Insomnia includes the inability to sleep, frequent awakenings during the night and not being able to go back to sleep, or waking up too early. Women are more likely to suffer from chronic insomnia – the ratio is about two women to one man. Working women, in particular, build up a large sleep debt over the years.
To a large extent, we can control the quantity and quality of our sleep. The key to a restful night’s sleep is to calm down your brain rather than rev it up.
What you eat affects how you sleep. Some food slows down nerve traffic and calms the brain and contributes towards a restful sleep; such food are called sleepers. Other perk up the brain and keep you awake; such food are called wakers.
Sleepers contain tryptophan, an amino acid that makes up protein, which produces the sleep – inducing substances, serotonin and melatonin. Food that contains tryptophan or make more tryptophan available to the brain make us sleepy.
Ideal sleepers are food which contains moderate amounts of carbohydrate stimulates the release of insulin which clears amino acids that compete with tryptophan making it more available to the brain. At the same time, protein contributes tryptophan directly to the brain.
Great snooze food includes; dairy products (paneer, cheese, milk and curd), meat, poultry or seafood, whole grains vegetables and pulses (including soyabeans).
Indian dinners usually have a fair share of these types of food. However, our traditional cooking practices include a lot of fat and spices, both of which in terferes with sleep.
Calcium helps the brain use tryptophan; this explains the soporific effect of a glass of milk at bedtime. Foods containing caffeine such as tea,coffee, colas and chocolates are wakers. a high-protein meal without carbohydrates contains the amino acid, tyrosine, which perks up the brain.
An all carbohydrate snack, especially one high in sugar, is less likely to help you sleep. It will raise blood sugar and inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low, you might wake up and not be able to fall back asleep. Also, you will miss out on the sleep-inducing effects of tryptophan.
Adults need at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night, to perform optimally. Children need even more sleep. Less sleep causes morning headaches and daytime fatigue, leading to poor concentration and performance.
Insomnia includes the inability to sleep, frequent awakenings during the night and not being able to go back to sleep, or waking up too early. Women are more likely to suffer from chronic insomnia – the ratio is about two women to one man. Working women, in particular, build up a large sleep debt over the years.
To a large extent, we can control the quantity and quality of our sleep. The key to a restful night’s sleep is to calm down your brain rather than rev it up.
What you eat affects how you sleep. Some food slows down nerve traffic and calms the brain and contributes towards a restful sleep; such food are called sleepers. Other perk up the brain and keep you awake; such food are called wakers.
Sleepers contain tryptophan, an amino acid that makes up protein, which produces the sleep – inducing substances, serotonin and melatonin. Food that contains tryptophan or make more tryptophan available to the brain make us sleepy.
Ideal sleepers are food which contains moderate amounts of carbohydrate stimulates the release of insulin which clears amino acids that compete with tryptophan making it more available to the brain. At the same time, protein contributes tryptophan directly to the brain.
Great snooze food includes; dairy products (paneer, cheese, milk and curd), meat, poultry or seafood, whole grains vegetables and pulses (including soyabeans).
Indian dinners usually have a fair share of these types of food. However, our traditional cooking practices include a lot of fat and spices, both of which in terferes with sleep.
Calcium helps the brain use tryptophan; this explains the soporific effect of a glass of milk at bedtime. Foods containing caffeine such as tea,coffee, colas and chocolates are wakers. a high-protein meal without carbohydrates contains the amino acid, tyrosine, which perks up the brain.
An all carbohydrate snack, especially one high in sugar, is less likely to help you sleep. It will raise blood sugar and inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low, you might wake up and not be able to fall back asleep. Also, you will miss out on the sleep-inducing effects of tryptophan.
How to Avoid Heat Exhaustion

Get out of the sun, drink plenty of water. Ideally you should have plenty of water atleast half an hour before you go out into the sun.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. This is because they have fairly high water content and good salt balance. Drink diluted electrolytes.
People who sweat heavily tend to loose a lot of potassium and sodium. There are many over the counter electrolyte packs.
Avoid salt tablets, alcohol, caffeine, smoking and do not bare your chest
Do not suddenly go out into the sun from an air-conditioned room or do the opposite. Learn to acclimatise slowly.
Dousing your head and neck with cold water will help if it is hot and dry.
Use a newspaper, handkerchief or a traditional hand held fan to keep yourself in cool breeze.
Wear light and light coloured clothes. the preferred coloured is white because it reflects the heat. Use cotton or polyester blends because such cloth material can breathe.
Use an umbrella or a hat, preferably one that also shades the neck and is well ventilated.
Breathe Deep - Drive Headaches Away

RELAXATION exercises can help to relieve headaches, backaches and insomnia.
One of the simplest relaxation exercises is deep breathing, which will release endorphins (the body's very own painkillers) into our body.
Begin by breathing through your nostrils; inhale for five counts, silently saying the word "in" (concentrate on breathing deeply); fill your lower abdomen with air; count to five, and then exhale slowly, silently saying the word "out" as you let the air escape through your mouth; repeat this exercise for about two minutes; gradually you will be able to build up to ten counts or higher; increase your relaxation by imagining a peaaceful scene or by breathing in fresh air or pleasant smells.
One of the simplest relaxation exercises is deep breathing, which will release endorphins (the body's very own painkillers) into our body.
Begin by breathing through your nostrils; inhale for five counts, silently saying the word "in" (concentrate on breathing deeply); fill your lower abdomen with air; count to five, and then exhale slowly, silently saying the word "out" as you let the air escape through your mouth; repeat this exercise for about two minutes; gradually you will be able to build up to ten counts or higher; increase your relaxation by imagining a peaaceful scene or by breathing in fresh air or pleasant smells.
Simple tips and technics to keep your body fit and healthy

How do you feel to be healthy? Nice! Must be wondering if there is that magic wand, I can become slim, fit and healthy. Nice to think but how to make this a reality? Takes time. Can't happen overnight.
You can follow certain simple and easy technics which will help you be fit and healthy. Have you decided to go for it! then read on.
- Do not make a future plan for your exercise, if you have to do it, just do it now.
- Wake up a bit early, pull your pants up and start walking out. If not like an exercise, just walk out. Go where you like, spend sometime out in the morning. You can opt to buy milk, vegetables, newspaper or whatever... just go out. Slowly increase the speed of your walk.
- Follow the Golden Rule - Breakfast like a KING, Lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a PAUPER. Keep your dinner very light, avoid cheese, butter, curd or any other fat products.
- Breathe in and breathe out deeply whenever your remember. Do simple stretching exercises.
- Last of all... Dont worry.. Be happy. Stress can cause lifestyle diseases. Be away from stress. Life is short, enjoy every moment of it.
You can follow certain simple and easy technics which will help you be fit and healthy. Have you decided to go for it! then read on.
- Do not make a future plan for your exercise, if you have to do it, just do it now.
- Wake up a bit early, pull your pants up and start walking out. If not like an exercise, just walk out. Go where you like, spend sometime out in the morning. You can opt to buy milk, vegetables, newspaper or whatever... just go out. Slowly increase the speed of your walk.
- Follow the Golden Rule - Breakfast like a KING, Lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a PAUPER. Keep your dinner very light, avoid cheese, butter, curd or any other fat products.
- Breathe in and breathe out deeply whenever your remember. Do simple stretching exercises.
- Last of all... Dont worry.. Be happy. Stress can cause lifestyle diseases. Be away from stress. Life is short, enjoy every moment of it.
Are Vitamin pills a risk to health?

Are you among those who think vitamins pills are the answer to a healthy lifestyle?You man well be wrong,say researchers.Millions of people regularly take vitamin pills.However here's a word of caution.Researchers now say their is no evidence that antioxidants vitamins A and E,minerals and other nutrients thought to combat age-related damage to the body help people live loger.And according to scientists at Copenhagen University,taking some types of antioxidants like vitamin A,E and betacarotene may make you up to 16% more likely to die before your time.So is it time to bin that bottle?if you are taking a general multivitamin,you have nothing to worry about."The studies in this review looked at people talking high or mega-doses of vitamins,not the type you can get from most pharmacies.They tend to be sold in specialist health centres and on the internet.Look at the label,and if it says that the level of vitamins is 100 per cent of the RDA(recommended daily allowance)or less,than that's fine.But nobody should be taking high doses of single vitamins such as vitamins A and E unless advised to by their doctor.Most doctors and dietitians agree that the best way to get your antioxidants is from your diet.Here's what to put on your grocery shopping list:
VITAMIN ABest source:Chicken liver.Also get it from carrots,liver pate,oily fish,eggs,margarine,butter,spinach,sweet potato,red peppers and tomatoes.
VITAMIN C Best source:-Blackurrants,Also get it from chillies,red and green peppers,strawberries,oranges,brussels sprouts,watercress,red cabbage,nectarines and grapefruit.
VITAMIN E Best source:-wheat germ oil.Also get it from sunflower oil and seeds,polyunsaturated margarine,hazelnuts,almonds,sun-dried tomatoes,avocados,spinach,eggs and brocoli.
BETA-CAROTENE Best source:-carrots.Also get it from sweet potatoes,red peppers,apricots,spinach,watercress,cantaloupe melons,brocoli and kale.
SELENIUM Best source:-Brazil nuts.Also getr it from kidneys,tinned tuna,sardines,scallops,sunflower seeds,meckerel,kippers,eggs and wholemeal bread.

A new study in Britain has found that pneumonia,caused by high pollution levels,is killing thousands of people every year.Researchers at the Birmingham University examined death rates in 352 local authorities in Britain from 1996 to 2004and found a "strong correlation" pneumonia and pollution levels.High mortality rates were observed in areas with elevated ambient pollution levels.The strongest single effect was an increase in pneumonia deaths."Road transpoort was the chief source of the emissions responsible,although it was not possible to discriminate the different chemical components.However,the researchers conceded that social factors may also be involved.The study revealed that,390,000 people died from pneumonia in England in past 8 years,with 35 local authorities accounting for around 54,000 more than would be expected.These figures were cross-checked with a range of pollutants levels,including engine exhaust emissions.

The next time you pop a vitamin pill in the hope of improving your health,just give a second thaught as a new study has debunked anti-oxidants ability to prolong life.Worse,it claims that some supplements could increase the risk of a premature death.Researchers at the Copenhagen University have carried out the study,which is actually a review of 67 researchers on 230,000 healthy people,and found "no convincing evidence"that anti-oxidants helped them to prolong life expectancy; but some indeed "increased mortality".In fact,the review found that vitamin A supplements raised the risk of death in healthy people by 16 per cent,while beta-carotene pills by seven per cent and vitamin E by nearly four per cent.Although the study showed no significant detrimental effect caused by vitamin C,it also found no evidence that it helped ward off disease."We could find no evidence to support taking anti-oxidants supplements to reduce the risk of dying earlier inhealthy people or patients with various diseases."If anything,people in trial groups given the anti0oxidants beta-carotene,vitamin A and vitamin E showed increased rates of mortality,"said Goran Bjelakovic,who led the review.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Natural soft drinks for the summer

This summer,chuck the artificial stuff,dip into nature's trove and relish these drinks.With the advent of summer and the temperatures soaring,ther is a transition in the dietary part of most people.The sweltering heat causes water loss in the form of sweat,and as a result people preferto have a lot of liquids and 'cool' foods through the day.Here are some healthy choices to beat the heat.
JUICE:Fruit and vegetable juices are good sources of nutrients.Citrus fruits provide vitamin C,carrot juice contains vitamin A,in the form of beta-carotene and a number of green juices are a good source of vitamin E.Fruit juices provide essential minerals such as iron,copper,potassium,sodium and iodine which are bound by the plant in a form that is more easily assimilated during digestion.Since juicing removes the indigestible fibre,these nutrients are available to the body in much larger quantities than if the piece of fruit or vegetable were eaten whole.
For example,when you eat raw carrot arotene,because many of the nutrients are trapped in the fibre,when a carrot is juiced,removing the fibre,nearly 100 per cent of the bete-carotene can be assimilated.
BUTTERMILK:The nutritional value of buttermilk is similar to that of the skimmed,or pertially skimmed milk from which it is made.It is an excellent source of potassium,vitamin B12,calcium and riboflavin,and a good source of phosphorus.It also contains zinc,magnesium,pqantothenic acid,niacin,thiamin,folic acid and vitamin B6.Low in fat,it with digestive problems.
COCONUT WATER:It has the same electrolytic balance as human blood.It is a good source of potassium,it also contains copper,iron,magnesium,folic acid,zinc and phosphorus.It is said to be a laxative and diluretic,and is used to alleviate intestinal problems.

Half tsp of cinnamon per day can lower LDL colesterol.It also has a regulatory effect on blood sugar and is beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes.Cinnamon also has the ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.
Care for your liver

Your liver is as vital to your health as your heart and lungs are.But do you know how to keep it healthy?It can be as simple as leaving clean,eating crunchy veggies,and eyeing your supplements.Her's what we mean by that:
Vital parts:Your liver isn,t just a place to offer out tequila shots.All of the blood that has visited your small intestine flows through the liver,where it gets deoxified.A big job,but something has to do it.Here are some tips to help your liver help you: Leave clean,reduce your personal pollution so there's less to filter out,drink filtered water,eat unprocessed food,choose veggie protein over red meat,and practice safe sex.And yes,keep the mojitos to the minimum.
Add crunchy veggies:Cruciferous produce (like brocoli and cabbage),B-rich foods(like whole grains),and high c items(like citrus fruit and leafy greens)asits the liver's detoxifying process.
Consider a supplement:Lecithin(egg yolks and soya beans are good sources)and zinc supports liver function,and you may want to consider supplementing your diet wityh them if you don't get much naturally.Herbs like milk thistle and dandelion may help the liver function,too,but consult your doctor before taking them.Don't take too much vitamin A.If you do,you risk liver problems,including cirrhosis.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The pleasing thing about peas.

Like the princess and the pea,your body also notices the tiny green seeds.But in a good way.How?By getting stronger against strokes.That's because peas are full of folate,a mighty B vitamin known to lower blood levels of a stroke-promoting compound.Heard about homocysteine?:both natural folate and the synthetic kind(folic acid)found in supplements and fortified food helps lower homocysteine levels in the blood.That's a fine thing,because researchers suspect that too much of the substance might encourage "bad" colesterol to oxide and contribute to artery-blocking(read heart attack and stroke-causing)blood clots.Time for a supplement:Because the average diet falls far short of the amount of folate,you should take a multi-vitamin with 400 micrograms.That will help ensure you reach the optimum dose of 700 micrograms per day.As for late-rich foods,peas are a good startbut you can also stock up on avocados,bananas,and fortified cereals.
How to lighten your skin tone.

Do you tan a lot? Here are some simple home remedies that you can use to lighten the skin tone and get a lighter complexion.However they must be done regularly and best results are obtained if they are included as a part of daily routine.
1:Mix one tsp of milk powder,one tsp of honey,one tsp of lemon juice,and half tsp of almond oil.Apply on face and wash offafter 10-15 minutes.this pack helps bring shine to the skin and also removes tan.Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face.Keep it on for minutes and then wash it off with cold water.It helps remove the tan and lighten the skin.
2:Place sliced raw potato on the face.It reduce blemishes and other marks.
3:Applying turmeric powder along with lime juice removes tan.Lime juice is a natural bleach.
4:Dried orange peals mixed with curd also help reduceblemishes and scars.Wash off this mixture with cold water after 15 minutes.
5:Soak four almonds overnight.Grind in to a fine paste using milk.Apply on face and neck and leave it overnight.Wash with cold water in the morning.Do this daily for 15 days,followed by twice a week.
6:A tbsp of gram flour mixed with two tsp of milk and two-three tsp of lime juice works well for lightening dark skin.apply this mixture and leave it for 15 minutes.repeat this for four weeks following once in a week.
7:Apply a paste of fresh ground mint leaves and leave it for about 20 minutes.Wash with cold water and continue for days.
8:Apply a mixture of grated tomato with two-three drops of lime juice on the face.leave it for 20 this twice a day for 15-20 days for best results.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Tips to use Feng Shui correctlyfor weight loss

1:Avoid red and yellow hues in the kitchen.These are yang,active colours,and stimulate hunger.They're very popular in fast-food resturants.White is another colour that's appetite stimulating and very commonly used in eating joints.2:Use yin energy in the kitchen to help curb the appetite.Use the yin colours of blue and even black in the kitchen to decorate and alsobuy blue plates to help suppress hunger and make you feel full faster.These yin colours in the kitchen lower the energy levelof the kitchen and do not over stimulate the appetite.3:Dont enter your home through the door that opens in to kitchen.Many overweight people enter their home through the kitchen.Doing so stimulate the desire to eat.Use another door instead so you won't promoted to think about food as soon as you walk in to the house.4:For yang energy,clear out the clutter and anything that's old and unused.Our homes are often'weighed down'by the clutter in them just as we are by oue excess weightBeing over weight is your body's way of holding on to excess.Clearing out the clutter just might be what you need to stimulate the energy in your home and your body.
Lose weight with Feng Shui.

Many people struggle with losing weight.They try everything and stick to nothing,and become discouraged when diets dont work.If that's happend to you,then may be you should put your house on a diet!And this can be done making small adjustments to the home.Your body is your spiritual home and holds your inner energy.our houses hold our bodies.Many people find that when they clean and clear out the excess clutter in their homes,they feel good.In Feng Shui,yin enrgy is dark,cold and passive,and yand is light,warm and active.Balancing the two can produce the results we want,and their harmony is crucial.With these rules in mind,it's possible to succeed with your weight-loss goals.too many houses have yin energy and the kitchen energy is excessively yang.When energy is out of balance,it results negetive consequences.If too much attention or yang energy,is given to the kitchen,excess weight occurs because of appetite stimulus.Conversely,if the house suffers from too much clutter,the house has excess yin energy and the body responds in kind.It's better to make kitchen yin,to suppress appetite,andinfuse the rest of the house withyang energy with metabolism.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
What can vitamin c do for your health?
Vitamin c is one of the safest and most effective nutrients.It may not be the cure for the common cold(though its thought to help prevent more serious complications).But the benefits of vitamin c may include protection against immune system deficiencies,cardiovascular diseases, prenatal health problem,eye disease,and even skin wrinkling.Unless you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables,you may need to take a dietary supplement of vitamin c.Strive to eat nine serving of fruit and vegetables daily,and you will get a healthy dose of vitamin c along with other vitamin,minerals and phytochemicals that are good for diseases prevention and overall health.
Remedy for snoring.

People with snoring spouse would no more be spending sleepless night,i recently found that scientist claim that a daily pill may help manage your partner's obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome(OSA).OSA is a condition that cause people to stop breathing sporadically during sleep,making them excessively tired and moody.Around one in every 20 middle aged men and one in 50 women suffer from the common sleeping disorder.When the upper airway becomes narrow as the muscles relax naturally during sleep.This reduce oxygen in the blood and prevent from having a restful sleep.The pill,known by the code-name BGC20-0166,is a blend of two existing drugs that functions by affecting area of the brain linked with increased muscle tond and air flow in breathing.

Dogs are known as man's best friend and for good reason.But,they are more than loyal companion,who can also help mitigate our health problem.while surfing on net few days ago i found that researchers in israel have found that having dogs at home not only helps in lowering high blood presure but it also has a positive impact on the health of children.Proffessional literature state taht one third of the children whosuffer from high blood pressure will suffer from this problem when theyare adults."This is a characterstic of important for one's health and one which has implication also for the children's well being in future".
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gooseberry(amla)prevent aging and promotes longevity.It is the most abundant source of vitamin c contaning as much as 20 times that of an orange.It rejuvenates all the organ system of our body and also boots the immune systew.

Green peppers have twice the amount of vitamin C by weight than citrus fruit.This variety of vitamin C is an antioxidant,believed to prevent certain kind of cancer.

Raw food contain high level of enzymes gives your body the much needed vitamins & minerals.Any defeciency in vitamins & minerals fastens the process of aging.

of all fruits indian gooseberry(amla) is the richest source orf vitamin c and is benifical in treating respiratory diseases.

passion fruit lower blood cholestrol and it improves bowels function.It also reduce risk of a heart stroke,prostate cancer,type 2 diabetes and asthma.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
"How can u cure moles".
1:-Grind some coriander and apply it on the moles.It fades away moles in a week.
2:-Mix ground flaxseeds oil and a small quantity of honey.Apply this paste everyday on the moles.
3:-Apply juice of fig stem on the moles and leave it for 15 minutes.
4:Apply fresh cut pineapple thrice daily.It helps lighten the moles.
5:Massage the area with cartor oil twice daily.This will soften the area and reduce itching.
6:Apply tea-tree oil for seven to 10 days twice daily.
2:-Mix ground flaxseeds oil and a small quantity of honey.Apply this paste everyday on the moles.
3:-Apply juice of fig stem on the moles and leave it for 15 minutes.
4:Apply fresh cut pineapple thrice daily.It helps lighten the moles.
5:Massage the area with cartor oil twice daily.This will soften the area and reduce itching.
6:Apply tea-tree oil for seven to 10 days twice daily.
Can eggs make us smarter?
Eating selenium-rich foods like eggs could help keep your memory sharp and your brain speeds on high as you age.In rural china,it is found that elderly people who got at least the recommended daily value of selenium(about 55 micrograms per day) had cognitive test scores that put them in a league with people 10 years younger.If you have a cholesterol problem though,skip the yolk and go for omelettes made of egg white.
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